
《No Destination》

 《No Destination   by Satish Kumar

        When he was only nine years old, Satish Kumar renounced the world and joined the wandering bortherhood of Jain monks. Dissuaded from this path by an inner voice at the age of eighteen, he became a compaigner for land reform, working to turn Gandhi's vision of a renewed India into reality. Fired by the example of Bertrand Russell, he undertook an 8,000-mile peace pilgrimage, walking from India to America without any money, through mountains, deserts, storms and snow. It was an adventure during which he was thrown into jail in France, faced a loaded gun in America - and delivered packets of 'peace tea' to the leaders of the four nuclear powers. In 1973 he settled in England, taking on the editorship of Resurgence magazine, and becoming the guiding light behind a number of ecological spiritual and educational ventures. Following Indian tradition, in his fiftieth year he undertook another pilgrimage: again without any money, he walked to the holy places of Britain - Glastonbury Lindisfarne and Iona. Written with a penetrating simplicity, No Destination is an exhilarating account of an extraordinary life.


        Satish Kumar在他年僅九歲時即從世間出離成為男性耆那教僧侶的成員18歲時其內在的聲音告訴他要離開這條原本的道路於是他加入土地改革的陣營致力於實現甘地復甦印度的願景。之後受到伯特蘭·羅素前例的鼓舞他開始了800哩的和平旅程從印度未帶盤纏的徒步走到美洲途中經過高山沙漠也遇過暴風與大雪期間他在法國遇到牢獄之災在美洲經歷被上膛槍指著的險境最後終於成功將禮物- 「和平茶送給了當時四位核能領導者1973年時他在英格蘭定居並擔任Resurgence magazine期刊的編輯成為許多精神生態學與教育性投資幕後的導引之光依循印度傳統Satish Kumar在人生的第50個年頭開始了另一個朝聖之旅此次也是不帶分毫的徒步走訪大不列顛島至格拉斯頓伯里(Glastonbury) LindisfarneLona的聖地全書筆觸簡樸具洞察力,《無終(No Destination)為其卓絕的一生令人振奮之傳記

